Little tiny white dots on penis
Little tiny white dots on penis

little tiny white dots on penis

Don't try to pop any bumps or use pimple cream on them, as this could make things worse. If you're concerned about bumps on your penis, see a doctor or go to a clinic for advice on what to do.

little tiny white dots on penis

STDs may not be painful, but they can put your health (and your partner's health) at risk if they are not treated quickly. Finally, molluscum contagiosum is an infection that can be spread through sexual contact and give someone small, painless bumps. Syphilis also can give a guy painless ulcers on his penis. Sometimes these are irregular in shape or hard to see, and they're not painful. Genital warts (HPV) also can show up as bumps on the penis. Painful blisters, bumps, or ulcers may be herpes.

little tiny white dots on penis

If you are having sex or have had sex in the past, bumps on the penis may be signs of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs, also called sexually transmitted infections or STIs). Pimples, cysts, ingrown hairs and papules won't do any harm - though if you try to pop them they could get infected. They also excrete sticky honeydew and are difficult to control. Like mealybugs, whiteflies are known for infesting and damaging plants. These insects are tiny, with the exact size depending on the species. These whitish bumps appear on the glans (head) of the penis or along the edge of the glans in many guys. These tiny white flying bugs are related to aphids and mealybugs. Another condition that's normal and no cause for concern is pearly penile papules. These are common and they're nothing to worry about. They generally appear in adolescence and early adulthood. They form fine thread-like bumps in one to two rows around the head of the penis and are not associated with any symptoms, such as itching, pain or burning.


If you've never had sex, little white bumps on the shaft of the penis may be pimples, a skin cyst, or ingrown hairs. They are tiny, noncancerous (benign) growths on the penis that may appear as dome-shaped bumps that are pale pink or yellow to white. You might only notice one or you might notice 50 or more. I have lots of little bumps (almost like goosebumps or whiteheads) on my penis. Fordyce spots are small white bumps on your manhood cause by abnormal sebaceous glands.

Little tiny white dots on penis